July 4, 2023

How to Prepare for Hurricane Month

Hurricane season began June 1st, and it’s essential to make sure you and your family are
well-equipped in the face of danger. These natural disasters are known to shatter anything in
their path and threaten lives. Preparing before imminent threats are best, so here’s what you
should know beforehand.
If you wait until the danger is already on its way, it may be too late to ensure precautions are
taken. Families should never forget what must be done to stay safe in places where natural
disasters like hurricanes are common, like Florida, Louisiana and other South Eastern Coastal

1. Plan your Evacuation Route

The strength of hurricanes can vary and fluctuate prior to making landfall. It’s recommended to
take necessary precautions and know the best way to evacuate if you are in harm’s way. If you
live along the coast, you will receive instructions from your local government officials as the
hurricane is being monitored. It’s crucial to have a plan in advance in order to avoid additional
difficulties. This will also ensure that you and your family reach the nearest safe zones in time.
It’s not necessary to travel hundreds of miles away from home during the evacuation. Make sure
you’ve followed the local government recommendations and are safely outside of the
evacuation area. It’s recommended to have a trial run evacuation with your family to ensure it’s
an easy route. Review everything you would do in case of an actual hurricane to ensure vital
steps aren’t missed when faced with an emergency evacuation.
If you must evacuate, make sure to communicate your route and plan to someone that is not
affected by the hurricane. If anything unexpected happens, you’ll have someone who knows
your route and plan and can assist with getting you the help you need.

2. Keep Emergency Supplies on Hand

If you’ve experienced storm season in a hurricane prone area, you know the rush of people who
go into grocery stores to ensure they have supplies. It’s important to keep necessary emergency
supplies on hand and to consistently restock as items are used so you can avoid the rush of
people when a storm is coming.
Preparing a hurricane emergency kit will ensure you have crucial supplies in case one hits. It’s
best not to wait until there’s a warning issued.
Some of these supplies can include:
Candles or lamps
First Aid kit
Non Perishable foods
Tools for emergency home repairs
Supply of drinking water
When you have these items ready beforehand, make a note to check them for any expiration
dates on a regular basis.

3. Review Insurance Policies
While many won’t think about this step, it’s good to keep in mind. Check your insurance policies
before storms to be knowledgeable regarding what’s covered and what isn’t.
Many homeowners’ insurance may cover the cost of temporary repairs for hurricane damage
and even living expenses. However, typical insurance doesn’t cover flood damage.
Hurricanes bring a lot of rain and can cause flooding in many areas. If you live in a flood prone
area, you should consider looking into flood insurance for your home. If you have any questions
about what your insurance does and doesn’t cover, contact your insurance professional for

4. Protect Your Home
It’s essential to take the proper steps to protect your home in advance of severe weather or
hurricanes. The winds, caused by hurricanes can damage landscapes, exterior building
structures and so much more. Create a checklist of vulnerable areas in your home and begin
updating them prior to storm season to ensure your home is resilient and durable.
Not all building materials are made equal and Vero Building Systems can provide a building
material to ensure your home can withstand the forceful winds and rain that come with a

Our SCIP Panels are designed to withstand 250 MPH winds and are fire-resistant for up to 150
minutes. The Structural Concrete Insulated Panels are made of double-galvanized steel wire
mesh sides that combine with dual connectors enclosing an expanded polystyrene panel and
feature a sprayed shotcrete on each side of the panel to create one monolithic structure. SCIP
panels have been used around the world for decades and have been proven to withstand the
most horrific storms. They are becoming more widely adopted as a main-stream building
method in the United States.

If you’re interested in learning more about the safety features that our building system offers,
give us a call and begin the process to keep your family safe from natural disasters for years to